Ahhhh-Choo! What to Do When Students Are Sick

While we want your students here each and every day, we also want them to stay home when they are sick. What does that mean? 


The following guidelines are intended to help determine when a student should not attend school:

  • A student has a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher.
  • A student has experienced vomiting or diarrhea during the night or in the morning.
  • The student has a persistent productive cough that keeps them from sleeping, normal activity, or  cough not controlled by medication.
  • A student has a widespread rash.
  • The student has a red, swollen eye with draining pus and/or was crusted over upon awakening.
  • A student has a contagious condition like: pink eye, strep throat, chicken pox and scabies. Students with strep throat or pink eye needs to be on medication for 24 hours and feeling better before they return to school.


We do have a district policy for illness that states, students may return to school if they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of medications and can return to school when their cold symptoms have resolved.

Also, our district follows the guidance of the Vermont Department of Health in regards to COVID in school.  The recommendations are constantly changing, so please make yourself familiar with the VDH website for the most current information. I have linked it here: Vermont Department of Health website