Be Here.

Did you know that if your student misses only 2 days a month they are considered chronically absent? According to the organization, Attendance Works, “Chronic absence — missing 10 percent or more of school days due to absence for any reason—excused, unexcused absences and suspensions—can translate into students having difficulty learning to read by the third-grade, achieving in middle school, and graduating from high school. 

Last school year we shared a series of videos on the importance of setting up routines and schedules to make coming to school a little easier. Routines, schedules, and habits are ways to overcome the “Sunday scaries” and make Monday a little less daunting. According to the “Attendance Works” website,  “A daily attendance routine can help you reduce stress and develop habits that help you keep a job” and stay engaged in your school. 

We know school can be hard, too. Feeling overwhelmed and stressed happens to all of us at times. School psychologist Dr. Joelle van Lent and art therapist Fellicia Cota discuss student anxiety in depth. Learn more about what it is, how it affects students, and strategies that parents can use to help students cope and overcome school avoidance in this short video about anxiety and attendance.

Anxiety is a feeling everyone experiences, and for many students it is closely related to school and attendance. In this video, mental health professionals working in MVSD explain how even though school may be a source of anxiety for many young people, regular attendance can actually reduce anxiety and even improve mental health overall. If you are interested in learning more about anxiety, including strategies you can use as a parent to help students overcome it, watch the full interview with Dr. Joelle van Lent and Fellicia Cota on our youtube page at
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