Business Education
Our Mission is to prepare students for their roles as citizen consumers and workers. The curriculum presents learning opportunities for understanding fundamental economic and business concepts; developing positive dispositions for working and living in a changing environment; making wise economic and career choices; and securing knowledge and skills necessary for success. |
FACULTY - Office Hours7:30 to 8:00 am - 2:40 to 3:30 pm Patrick Lagace Angela Pandis
INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS Gr. 9-12 - 1 period - 1 semester - ½ credit CAREER EXPLORATION Gr. 10-12 - 1 period - 1 semester - ½ credit PERSONAL FINANCE I Gr. 11-12 - 1 period - 1 semester - ½ credit PERSONAL FINANCE II Gr. 11-12 - 1 period - 1 semester - ½ credit HOW TO START A SMALL BUSINESS (Entrepreneurship) Gr. 10-12 - 1 period - 1 semester - ½ credit BUSINESS IN ACTION Gr. 10-12 - 1 period - 1 or 2 semesters - ½ or 1 credit SPORTS, RECREATION, AND ENTERTAINMENT MARKETING Gr. 10-12 - 1 period - 1 semester - ½ credit COMPUTER MAINTENANCE & PROGRAMMING Gr. 11-12 - 1 period - 1 year - 1 credit |
Prerequisites: Capability to do college level work and teacher/counselor approval
AP ECONOMICS: MICROECONOMICS Gr. 11-12 - 1 period - 1 semester, 1/2 credit AP ECONOMICS: MACROECONOMICS Gr. 11-12 - 1 period 1 semester, 1/2 credit OFFICE ACCOUNTING Gr. 11-12 - 1 period - 2 semesters, 1 credit COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Gr. 11-12 - 1 period - 1 semester, 1/2 credit |