Survey Reveals How Safe Students Feel at MVU Across the board, students feel safer and more encouraged to learn in 2023 than they did last year.
MVU Skit Nite Brings Students of All Kinds to the Stage Starring as everything from rednecks to Stanley-carrying preppy students to New York City tourists, students from each grade competed in the annual theater competition to see which grade would win.
MVU Student Creates Pet Care Kits for Those in Need 8th grader Samantha Sears made and delivered 46 pet care kits for families in November.
MVU Clubs: Beyond the Bell Improves on the Crossroads Afterschool Program MVU Clubs: Beyond the Bell has a new look, but the same philosophy as the former Crossroads Afterschool Program
MVU Equine Evaluation Team Takes Bronze at National FFA Convention Our students travelled to Indianapolis to compete against chapters from around the country.
Students Take Part in Young Eagle Flights at Franklin County State Airport See the unique opportunities available to MVU students because of our fortunate proximity to the county airport.
MVU National Honor Society loves to give back to the community! With the oversight of the advisors, Dante Napolitano and Jamie Olson, our NHS group works to facilitate events in the community with the goal of making a difference.
Franklin County high school students explore local manufacturing jobs on ‘Maker Day’ at MVU “Exciting things in advanced manufacturing are happening right here in Vermont, in this local area.”- Morgan Knapton